Our Unique Capabilities

NHK Spring is the world's top general spring manufacturer.
The company is built on "technical prowess", "human resources and organization", and "quality" geared to manufacturing products.


Responding to difficult orders with outstanding "technical prowess"

High precision press processing machine
A person performing a simulation using a computer
Testing with a dummy doll placed on a car seat

Responding to difficult orders with outstanding "technical prowess"

Ever since establishment as an automotive suspension spring factory in 1939, NHK Spring has been leveraging its strengths in metal processing and research and development to supply the world with key parts that support various industries, including information and communications, industry and daily life.
Here, we introduce the core technologies that support NHK Spring's manufacturing.


Quickly Responding to Needs through "People and Organization"

An employee working in front of a computer monitor
Product research using analysis machines
Multiple employees having a meeting
Operating large machinery

Quickly Responding to Needs through "People and Organization"

The earnestness and passion of our employees are the source of our creativity. Inheriting the passion of our President, who comes from a development background, employees are taught that "If you are afraid of failure, you cannot develop anything", and we work to create one-of-a-kind products that will support the next generation by sincerely addressing the needs of society.
Here, we explore NHK Spring's passion for creating the future.


Aiming for customer satisfaction through "quality"

Employees inspecting products on a floor lined with many measuring instruments
Attaching parts to a car seat
Visually inspecting the product

Aiming for customer satisfaction through "quality"

From development and design to production, NHK Spring's manufacturing involves thorough quality evaluation and improvement from every angle. Here, we introduce NHK Spring's efforts and achievements in providing appropriate quality and maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction in terms of delivery time and cost.