
NHK Spring Obtains “B” Score in CDP’s “Climate Change Report 2024”

NHK Spring Co., Ltd. (Head office: Yokohama, Kanazawa-ku, Japan; President & COO: Kazuhisa Uemura) obtained a “B” score in the “Climate Change Report 2024” released by CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project).

About CDP
CDP is an international NGO founded in England in 2000. It requests information disclosure about climate change strategy, greenhouse gas emission reductions, etc. from companies around the world and publishes scores evaluating their efforts. The “B” score received by NHK Spring is the third-highest score on CDP’s eight-level scale (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-). A “B” score is considered to be at the “management level” in CDP’s evaluation criteria and indicates that the company is aware of its environmental risks and impacts and taking action to address them.

NHK Spring’s Initiatives
Having identified “Reduction of CO2 emissions” and “Reduction of environmentally hazardous substances” in its materiality, NHK Spring has set achievement of carbon neutrality and zero industrial wastes (vs. FY2013) by 2039 as targets in the “NHK Spring Group’s Environmental Challenges.” Under the leadership of top-level management, progress is monitored by the Global Environment Response Committee and company-wide initiatives are pursued. Furthermore, in anticipation of growing demand for electric vehicles in the context of climate change, NHK Spring is investing in motor cores and integrated metal substrates for electric vehicles to enhance their development and production.

Going forward, NHK Spring will continue to view climate change as a key management issue and strengthen its initiatives addressing it.


Contact for inquiries regarding this announcement
NHK Spring Co., Ltd.
Corporate Planning Dept., Corporate Planning & Control Division: Tel. (+81) 45-786-7512
Safety & Environmental Activities Dept., Engineering Division: Tel. (+81) 45-786-7520

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