Privacy Policy

NHK Spring Co., Ltd. and its group companies (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) consider the protection of the personal information received from all persons to be one of our most important responsibilities. 
Having established the “NHK Spring Group Privacy Policy”, we will strive to protect personal information in our possession by implementing appropriate security control measures in accordance with laws, regulations, guidelines, and our internal rules to prevent the leakage, misuse, and falsification of personal information provided by our customers. In addition, we will train all employees in the proper handling of personal information and make every effort to ensure that such information is protected.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information
When acquiring personal information, we will notify or publicly announce in advance the purpose for which the information is to be used and only acquire information to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
We will not use the personal information we acquire beyond the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use without securing the consent of the person concerned. We will use acquired personal information for the following purposes.
- To plan and research our products and services, 
- To conduct development, improve quality, conduct marketing and selling, or to provide information regarding these activities,
- To answer and respond to questions, requests, and applications from customers.
- To use in our general recruitment activities.
- Other purposes of use that are clearly indicated when acquiring personal information

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We will not disclose or provide personal information in our possession to third parties, except in the following cases.
- When the consent of the person in question has been obtained
- When required by law
- When it is necessary to protect the life, health, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question
- When it is especially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question
- When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs under laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person in question is likely to impede the execution of such affairs
- When the information is processed as statistical data in such a way that the individual customer cannot be identified
- When providing personal information acquired in accordance with 1. above to a subcontractor to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use notified or announced in advance
- When personal information is used jointly in accordance with the joint uses stipulated in 4. below.

4. Joint Use of Personal Information
The Company will jointly use personal information as follows.
- Items of personal data to be jointly used
Name, address, telephone number, email address, affiliation, title, date of birth, and transaction information
- Scope of joint users
NHK Spring Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (including subsidiaries located outside Japan)
- Purpose of joint use     Each of the purposes of use described in 2. above
Party responsible for joint use    NHK Spring Co., Ltd.

5. Security Control Measures for Personal Information
In order to prevent leakage, loss, falsification, etc. of acquired personal information and otherwise safely manage personal information, the Company has established and maintains this Privacy Policy and Personal Information Protection Regulations, etc. and takes all reasonable technical, physical, and organizational safety measures and precautions. In addition, with respect to contractors and employees who handle personal information, we will take human security control measures, such as appropriate supervision, education, and awareness-raising activities, to protect personal information. Furthermore, when handling personal information in foreign countries, we will take appropriate security control measures based on our understanding of systems for protecting personal information in those countries.

6. Procedures for Requesting Reference, Correction, Deletion, etc. of Personal Information
If you wish to inquire about your personal information, correct any errors, or delete information, etc., please contact the Company using the inquiry form on our website. We will disclose, correct, or delete the customer's personal information within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent after confirming the identity of the customer making the inquiry.

 7. Cookies and Web Beacons
(1) To make this website more convenient for our customers, we use cookies on some pages. Cookies allow the website to identify your computer, but they do not collect any personally identifiable information such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address. You can set your browser to display cookie warnings and refuse to receive cookies. If you disable cookies, you can still use our website, but you may lose access to certain features.
(2) To investigate how customers use the website, we sometimes use web beacons, however, this does not allow us to obtain any personally identifiable information such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address.
(3) Our website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect, record, and analyze your visit history, but this information does not contain any personally identifiable information. Moreover, you can disable Google Analytics by downloading and installing the “Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on” from the Google website and changing the add-on settings in your browser. 
(4) Our website may contain links to websites operated by other companies. Please check the privacy policies, cookie policies, etc. of the linked sites regarding their handling of cookies, etc.

Contact for Inquiries
For inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or personal information, please use the inquiry form on our website.

The Company may periodically review and revise the above policy. In this case, the revised policy will become effective when it has been posted on this page.

Established April 1, 2005
Revised April 1, 2010
Revised May 23, 2022

NHK Spring Co., Ltd.