Product Type

Car Seat

We supply complete seats and parts globally, taking advantage of our development and technical capabilities. Safety and comfort are highly evaluated by our customers.

Sports Seats

Sports Seats

Sports seats support driver movements.

Compact SUV Seats

Compact SUV Seats

These seats are endowed with outstanding comfort and safety.

Seats with Air Suspension

Seats with Air Suspension

This seat for large trucks has an automatic height adjustment function that absorbs vibrations from the floor using air springs and dampers.

Seats with Thin Suspension

Seats with Thin Suspension

Seats with integrated suspensions whose backs and seat cushion can move together. Even more lightweight and thinner than conventional magnetic suspension seats.

Mini One-Box Wagon Seats

Mini One-Box Wagon Seats

Extremely comfortable, these front and rear seats are intended for mini one-box wagons.

Front Seat Frames

Front Seat Frames

The front seat frame is an important component that determines seat comfort, safety, mass, and cost. We offer high-performance front seat frames tailored to customer needs. We have achieved weight reduction while ensuring safety through the active use of high-tensile steel and optimized design.

Fatigue Reduction Seats

Fatigue Reduction Seats

This type of seat improves fatigue in the driver's thighs, circulatory balance in the lower limbs, and buttock pain caused by prolonged sitting. It is a development product intended for use in automated driving vehicles.

Seats for Car Sickness Mitigation

Seats for Car Sickness Mitigation

This seat is a development product intended to reduce driver's car sickness. It was developed in response to concerns about growing incidence of driver's car sickness due to increased use of smartphones and PCs due to the evolution of self-driving cars.