Examples of adoption

We adopted Trustgram for our brand protection.


YONEX uses NHK Spirng's anti-counterfeiting label “Trustgram” and clothing label “Trustgram Name” for brand protection of the sporting goods they manufacture and sell. The important thing for an authenticity tool is that it is easy to determine authenticity and that it cannot be imitated by counterfeiters. With Trustgram, anyone with a viewer can easily determine authenticity in seconds, no matter where he or she is. The function that changes the appearance of the trustgram with the viewer has never been imitated since it was adopted. YONEX will continue to protect its own brand withNHK Spring's high technology and reliable products.

Mr. Jun Okubo, General Manager, Legal Office, YONEX Co., Ltd.

"YONEX is a manufacturer and distributor of sporting goods that contributes to the world with original technology and the best products.

By adopting this anti-counterfeiting product since the middle of 2000, we have been very effective in keeping counterfeiters out of the market. We intend to continue to utilize this product in the future."