Surprising 100,000~50,000 years ago
100,000~50,000 years ago
That is ...
The time when the principle of springs was first used
Springs are a part of human history
The history of springs dates back to prehistoric times. Around 100,000 to 50,000 years ago, it is said that our ancestors, the Neanderthals, began using highly elastic tree branches and other materials to make "traps" for capturing small animals. In the late Paleolithic Era, about 20,000 years ago, "bows" were invented for hunting. After that, other implements such as "scissors" and "chopsticks", which are based on the principles of springs, were invented. Springs make our lives more convenient, comfortable, and enjoyable. Having celebrated its 85th anniversary on September 8, NHK Spring will continue to further its business based on springs.