Effectiveness Evaluation

Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

NHK Spring regularly conducts self-evaluations of the Board of Directors in the form of questionnaires administered to each member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit & Supervisory Board.

Questionnaire Items

  1. Composition of the Board of Directors

  2. Operation of the Board of Directors

  3. Enhancement of Board deliberations

  4. Operation of the Nomination and Compensation Committee

  5. Communication with shareholders and investors

  6. Support system and information provided to external members of the board (answered only by external members of the board)

Overview of self-evaluation results

Based on the results of the questionnaire, we believe that the Board of Directors as a whole is effectively fulfilling its roles and responsibilities, as individual proposals are discussed and examined from various perspectives through active discussions by the Board, which is endowed with a diverse range of knowledge.
We will implement improvements as appropriate for the areas identified and will continue to conduct self-evaluations as well as work to improve and enhance the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.