D&I Promotion (Participation and career advancement of diverse human resources)
NHK SPRING Group states its commitment to protect human rights, advocate D&I, care for others, and nurture people in the “NHK SPRING Basic Global CSR Policy”.
To further embody this policy, we have established the “NHK SPRING Group Human Rights Policy” for human rights and the “Basic D&I Policy” for D&I, complementing each other in our D&I promotion of initiatives.
1. Basic D&I Policy
NHK SPRING Group recognizes the differences in nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, ideology, gender, social status, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical disability, illness, or place of origin, as well as diverse values, and aims to build a rewarding workplace in which every employee can fully exhibit their diverse individuality and ability.
In order to continue to be an "indispensable company" that supports the ever-changing society and the progress of our customers, we will continue to value people and promote the participation and career advancement of diverse talent based on the slogan of, "Together we walk, together we prosper".
Respect for people
We mutually recognize diverse values and differences in nationality, race, ethnicity, creed, ideology, gender, social status, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, mental or physical disability, illness, or place of origin, and respect the individuality of each employee. -
Rewarding organizational culture
We promote the building of a rewarding workplace in which every employee can fully exhibit their diverse individuality and ability in a vibrant and fair environment. -
Sustainable growth of the Company
We actively promote the participation and career advancement of diverse talent with a view to realizing a corporate culture that generates innovation and the sustainable growth of NHK SPRING Group.
2. Roadmap
Expansion of Personnel Systems and BenefitsStep-by-step development of support systems and benefits for balancing work and family life
・Support for balancing work with childcare, nursing care, and medical treatment
・Establishment of a system to support diverse work styles -
Building Momentum to Promote D&I・The "D&I Promotion Project" was established in the Corporate Planning and Control Division based on the commitment of top management.
・Acceleration of D&I promotion by developing Company-wide and continuous activities through projects -
Expansion and Deepening of D&I Promotion Activities・Expansion to the NHK Spring Group
・Promotion of activities of seniors, people with disabilities, foreign employees, etc.
・Fostering of a corporate culture of diversity, fairness, and inclusion
3. D&I Promotion Structure
In FY2021, we launched the D&I Promotion Project and compiled our Basic D&I Policy, thereby taking steps to accelerate the promotion of diversity and inclusion inside the Company. Moreover, in line with the 2023 Medium-Term Management Plan, we have compiled a three-year plan of activities and are implementing a variety of initiatives geared to realizing four key issues for promoting diversity and inclusion in the Company.
4. Four Key Issues
Issue 1 Promoting understanding of D&I
Issue 2 Support for balancing work and family life
Issue 3 Encouraging male employees to take childcare leave
Issue 4 Promotion of women's participation and career advancement
5. Initiatives for D&I Promotion
Promoting understanding of D&I
We disseminate information to each employee through internal newsletters and other means, and conduct training for managers.
- D&I training for newly appointed managers
We implemented training for newly appointed managers in June and September 2022. Comprising a program that enables participants to practice and reflect on what they have learned in the lectures at their workplaces, this training is practical in that it allows the participants to apply the contents to their daily management as managers. The training was well received by the participants, who commented that it was beneficial and led to various insights. In the future, we plan to expand the scope and enhance the content of the training program and provide training on an ongoing basis.
- Compilation of a special feature on "LGBTQ+" in the compliance newsletter
We compiled a special feature on "LGBTQ+" (general term for sexual minorities) in the compliance newsletter, which is periodically issued to all employees. This included articles on promoting understanding of LGBTQ+ and offering advice on considerate language and behavior in the workplace.
Support for balancing work and family life
We offer a full range of support and benefit programs to help our employees balance work and family life. We also continue to implement various initiatives to improve the work-life balance of our employees, such as introducing systems that accommodate diverse work styles, encouraging employees to take annual paid leave, and curbing long working hours.
- Distribution of the "Handbook on balancing work and nursing care" and "Handbook on balancing work and family life"
We have compiled and distributed to all employees two handbooks: 1) the "Handbook on balancing work and nursing care," which provides basic knowledge about nursing care and information on initial stage nursing care, etc., and 2) the "Handbook on balancing work and family life," which provides information on how to resolve worries and concerns that employees may have while balancing work and childcare, and information that supervisors and other members of the workforce should be aware of.
- Holding of childcare interactive workshops
In February 2023, a workshop was held for employees currently raising children to share their concerns about childcare and the challenges they face in striking a balance between work and childcare, and to find ideas for solutions through dialogue.
Participants said that they were very encouraged by talking with others in the workplace who had similar concerns, and we will continue to promote this initiative in the future.
- Manual for creating a workplace where people can continue to work while undergoing infertility treatment (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
NHK Spring was introduced in a manual (issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) intended to help companies establish systems for balancing infertility treatment and work. The manual was revised in April 2022. The article described our system and initiatives and the background to their introduction.
External Evaluation
- Platinum Kurumin certification
'Platinum Kurumin' is a special certification based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. It is awarded to 'companies that support childrearing' and are undertaking efforts at a higher standard. Our company received Kurumin certification in November 2021 and Platinum Kurumin certification in January 2025.
- Kanagawa Corporation for Promoting a Balance between Treatment and Work
NHK Spring was certified as a "Platinum Company" in 2021 after satisfying all three of the criteria required to become a "Kanagawa Corporation for Promoting a Balance between Treatment and Work" under the program implemented by Kanagawa Prefectural Government.
This certification is granted to companies and organizations operating in Kanagawa Prefecture that have established leave and work systems that contribute to balancing medical treatment and work so that employees who are cancer patients can continue their treatment while working.
Encouraging male employees to take childcare leave
As the number of dual-earner households increases, in order for women to stay active after childbirth, it is necessary to create a work environment where couples can cooperate in balancing childcare and work. Therefore, we are advancing measures to foster a culture in which men can take childcare leave as a matter of course based on a spirit of "mutual support".
- Roundtable discussion between the President and CEO and male employees who have taken maternity leave
In August 2022, a roundtable discussion was sponsored by the company newsletter. The event was intended to provide readers with an understanding of the current status of male childcare leave in the Company and to encourage the use of such leave by employees who are planning to become parents, and it was introduced in the company newsletter.
Promotion of women's participation and career advancement
Bolstering the training of female career-track employees is an important issue, to increase the ratio of female managers, which is currently 2% in NHK Spring. We are advancing initiatives aimed at increasing the ratio of female career-track employees and building an environment that is easy to work in for women.
- Implementation of female leader training
In August 2022, we held a leadership training program for female chiefs. This included a component for acquiring practical skills and the exchange of opinions among women who normally have few opportunities to discuss their problems. The President and CEO and Ms. Furukawa, an external Audit & Supervisory Board Member, took the stage to share their thoughts and experiences in promoting women's activities in the Company. The participants listened attentively to the lecturers and had lively discussions in the group work sessions that followed.
- New establishment of a special page entitled "Activities of Female Core Personnel"
As part of our efforts to increase the number of female hires, we have added content to our website that introduces our core female human resources. By posting case studies, we hope to make students and job seekers aware of women's activities in the workplace, thereby strengthening our ability to recruit women.
- Participation in the "Kanagawa Women's Empowerment Support Team"
Since September 2016, we have participated in the Kanagawa Women's Empowerment Support Team, which consists of companies that are actively promoting the advancement of women in Kanagawa Prefecture and Kanagawa prefectural government. In addition to supporting the activities of female employees in accordance with the General Business Owner Action Plan under the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace, we are also involved in activities to raise social awareness. Initiatives include sending our employees to high schools and junior high schools in Kanagawa Prefecture as lecturers for "Career Support Courses in Science and Engineering" in cooperation with Kanagawa Prefectural Government. Also, through the activities of the Kanagawa Women's Empowerment Support Team, we deepen exchanges with other team member companies, introduce each company's initiatives for the promotion of women's activities, and exchange opinions.
- Staging of "Women's health seminars"
We have continued to stage "Women's health seminars" related to health issues and methods unique to women since 2017. In April 2023, in response to requests from past seminar participants to hold a women's health seminar for managers because they thought it would be good for their supervisors to be aware of the content, we conducted a video training session for managers and supervisors. Moreover, the video was released within the Company with the aim of improving the workplace environment so that women can work comfortably.
External Evaluation
- MSCI Japan Empowering Women Select Index (WIN)
Since 2019, NHK Spring has been continually recognized under the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Select Index, which targets companies in the top 500 companies by market capitalization that excel in diversity (women's empowerment) within their industries. It has also been selected by the General Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) as an ESG investment target.
(Display of the MSCI Indexes and MSCI logo, trademark, service mark or index name specifications on this page do not constitute any subsequent support, endorsement, guarantee or catalyst of NHK Spring by MSCI and its affiliates. The MSCI Index is the exclusive property of MSCI. The MSCI Index name and logo are trademarks or service marks of MSCI and its affiliates).
Supporting the activities of older workers
Approximately 70-80% of retirees from NHK Spring are rehired and remain active in the Company after retirement.
- Staging of Fresh-up Seminars
The program is held for employees aged 55-58 to encourage them to prepare for a rewarding and reliable life, both financially and in terms of health, after retirement at age 60. The program, co-sponsored by labor and management, provides an opportunity for retirees to consider post-retirement lifestyle planning, with basic knowledge of social insurance systems, retirement benefits, and corporate pension fund systems, as well as initiatives for considering pension life and creating long-term family budget plans.
Promotion of employment of people with disabilities
In April 2002, the NHK Spring Group established "Nippatsu Harmony" as a special subsidiary to employ people with disabilities, and we are actively working to expand employment while gradually increasing our domestic sales offices.
Main Initiatives of special subsidiary "Nippatsu Harmony"
- Expansion of job scope
In addition to the traditional indoor and outdoor cleaning work, greening work, resource collection and sorting, employees with disabilities are also engaged in production assistance, digitizing documents, and washing company cars.
- Coordinating Support
We accept trainees from special needs schools, etc. (15 trainees in FY2022)
We also accept Company tours from local schools, companies, and governments. (121 visitors in FY2022)
- Improvement of Skills and Motivation
In the building cleaning category of the Abilympics, NHK Spring teams won first place in the 2018 Kanagawa Prefecture competition and first place in the Shiga Prefecture competition in 2019 and 2020. Moreover, in 2021, NHK Spring competed in the national Abilympics competition for the third consecutive year.
- Expansion of domestic sales offices
The number of locations started with one sales office in 2002 and has now expanded to seven. As a result, the number of employees with disabilities has increased from eight in 2002 to 79 as of April 1, 2023.
6. Status of diversity in the workforce
(As of April 1 each year)
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
All employees
5460 |
5530 |
5618 |
Female employees *1
746 (13.6%) |
782 (14.1%) |
809(14.4%) |
Female managers *2
16 (2.1%) |
17 (2.3%) |
21(2.8%) |
Foreign employees *1
80(1.5%) |
79 (1.4%) |
71(1.2%) |
Senior employees (rehired after retirement) *1
208 (3.8%) |
229(4.1%) |
282(5.0%) |
Employment of people with disabilities *3
153.5 (2.36%) |
154.5 (2.35%) |
167(2.48%) |
Mid-career hires *1
1822 (33.4%) |
1872(33.9%) |
1944(34.6%) |
*1 Figures in parentheses indicate ratios out of the total number of employees.
*2 The figure in parentheses indicates the ratio of female managers out of all managers.
*3 This depends on the method of counting in the employment rate system for persons with disabilities. As of June 1 each year