Health Management
Basic Policy on Health Management
One of our management policies is to "Build a safe and secure company and a rewarding and comfortable workplace.” We believe it is important for the Company's sustainable growth that employees can continue to work with good physical and mental health and vitality, which will lead to improved performance. To this end, we will actively promote health management aimed at improving the health of our employees.
Health Declaration
The NHK Spring Group Health Declaration has been jointly signed by the presidents of the Group companies to ensure that employees and their families, the companies, and health insurance associations work together to promote health improvement and raise health awareness throughout the entire NHK Spring Group.

NHK Spring has been proactively addressing health issues and has been certified as an excellent health management corporation for four consecutive years.
Health Promotion System
To promote health management on a systematic basis, we have established the Central Health Promotion Council, under the Central Safety and Health Council, the highest level organization, to confirm the policy and implementation status of company-wide health measures and examine items to be implemented. In addition, each business establishment has appointed health promotion committee members and health promotion staff to promote various health measures.

Health Management Strategy Map

Health Management/Promotion Issues and Measures for Realization
Mental healthcare
We will promote measures to ensure the sound mental health of our employees and create a safe and comfortable work environment.
We have set goals in the belief that we can improve productivity by lowering the rate and number of days of absence from work due to mental health issues, and thereby reducing absenteeism. In order to reduce the number of employees with mental health issues and shorten the length of absence from work, we must prevent mental health issues before they occur or detect them at an early stage. As measures to realize this, we believe it is important to improve workplace environment for alleviating high-risk workplaces based on the results of stress check group analysis, and to raise the awareness of employees through implementing mental healthcare training.
The rate and number of days of absence from work were set at 0.8% and 50 days/person, respectively, and improvement activities are underway to achieve these targets. However, the absence rate remained at 1.29%, the same rate as the previous year, and the number of days lost from work increased 25% over the previous year to 65 days/person.
Measures and Effects

(1) Mental healthcare training
We regularly implement job level-separate education when newly hiring and promoting employees, and business site education that targets all employees. In FY2022, job level-separate education was conducted five times and business site education 10 times. Such education is planned and implemented with a view to broadly deepening the awareness of employees.
(2) Utilization of stress checks
① Workplace environment improvement
We implement workplace environment improvement utilizing the results of stress check group analysis. The workplace improvement rate was 60% compared to the previous year.
② Individual follow-up
For individuals found to have high-stress levels in stress checks and requiring support, individual follow-up is conducted by medical staff in each business site in 100% of cases.
Physical Healthcare
We support employees in raising their self-awareness of health and implement health measures that enable them to continue working with vigor and vitality.
In cases where employees take leave due to physical ailments, particularly in cases arising from lifestyle-related diseases, the period of sickness tends to become longer due to worsening of the condition. Accordingly, viewing the prevention and alleviation of lifestyle-related diseases as an issue, we have made reduction of leave due to lifestyle-related diseases a health improvement goal.
Through improving employees' physical health, we hope to reduce absenteeism and improve conditions regarding presenteeism.
To achieve our goals, we need to improve figures related to obesity, blood pressure, smoking rate and other causes of lifestyle-related diseases.
As measures, we provide tools and stage events for improving health awareness and implement health improvement education concerning diet and so on.
We worked to achieve targets of 0.8% and 30 days/person regarding the absence rate and the number of days lost from work, respectively. The absence rate of 0.68% met the target value, and the number of days lost from work increased 45% over the previous year to 48 days/person.
Measures and Effects
(1) Visualizing health promotion
We distribute fitness trackers to employees to raise awareness about doing more exercise, and encourage use of body fat monitors and blood pressure manometers at each business site.
To encourage each employee to take measurements and remain aware of their health condition, we regularly hold events with prizes.
Five such events were held in FY2022, and a certain amount of improvement in obesity was apparent in those who used the program. The percentage of employees measuring health data is increasing every year, indicating growing awareness of health.
(2) Dietary education - Healthy eating
To encourage employees to acquire dietary knowledge and the ability to make balanced food choices and practice healthy dietary habits, we implement health promotion activities in the employee cafeterias at each business establishment.
In this initiative, we label the ingredients (calories, salt, carbohydrates, etc.) of food items on menus, indicate appropriate intake amounts, and provide healthy menus and seasonings with low salt and calorie content.
In FY2022, NHK Spring provided 5,841 meals in all of its employee cafeterias.
(3) Promotion of No Smoking for the sake of loved ones
In addition to offering encouragement and guidance to smokers on stopping smoking through the health offices at each business site, in FY202, we improved smoking areas at 13 out of a total of 14 business sites.
The non-smoking rate was 68.8%, which fell short of the target of 70% or higher, but improved by 1.4 percentage points from the previous year.
(4) Health checks and support
To reduce leave rates and days of leave resulting from lifestyle-related diseases, health offices at each business site conduct follow-up of employees who display symptoms. Compared to the previous year, the percentage of BMI > 25 increased by 0.6%, while for those in whom conditions were observed, blood pressure, liver function, lipids, and blood glucose improved by 0.2%, 0.9%, 0.1%, and 1.0%, respectively.