"Respect for People"
~Initiatives for Empowering Diverse Human Capital Resources~
Basic Stance
The internal and external environment surrounding NHK Spring has been changing dramatically in recent years, and we will need to modify our approaches to people and organization in order to continue being a company that is needed in the future.
For NHK Spring's manufacturing to continue making a contribution to resolving the issues that face customers and society, we believe it is important to promote initiatives for building a rewarding and comfortable workplace that maximizes the respective value of diverse human capital, and we are comprehensively implementing measures for developing people, organization and corporate culture.
NHK Spring has consistently maintained the attitude of "respect for people" since our establishment. "People" primarily comprise employees, and it is the ability of each and every employee that underpins NHK Spring. We believe that building a workplace that is rewarding and comfortable for everybody, and investing in people to enhance the value of human capital will lead to the sustainable growth of NHK Spring and eventually be returned in the shape of development for customers and society.
As an independent manufacturer supplying various products in a wide range of fields including automobiles, IT, industry, and lifestyle, we employ human resources in Japan and overseas who are engaged in diverse fields such as R&D, design, procurement, production, sales, management, etc. Understanding the importance of securing and training talent who are endowed with a high degree of expertise in each field and leadership skills for proactively guiding innovation in response to environmental changes inside and outside of the Company, we will build an employment environment that allows these human resources to sense growth and contribution, recognize each other's diverse values and fully exhibit their varied individuality and abilities.
Execution Measures
One of NHK Spring Group's management policies is to "Build a safe and secure company and a rewarding and comfortable workplace”. In line with this, we implement measures in such areas as "Securing and training talent", "D&I promotion", "Work style reform", "Personnel system reform" and "Promotion of health management".

Implemented Initiatives
In FY2022, we mainly implemented the following initiatives in each area of activity.
Concerning D&I Promotion, in FY2021, we received "Kurumin" certification from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as a "Company that Supports Child Rearing", while in the area of health promotion, we have been recognized as a "2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization".
Securing and training talent | ・Expansion of license allowances ・Introduction of an in-house recruitment system ・Expansion of transfer-related allowances |
D&I Promotion | ・ Training for female leaders ・D&I training for managers ・Distribution of a handbook to support balancing of work and family life |
Work Style Reform | ・Introduction of a regional employee system ・Ongoing implementation of measures for reducing total working hours and encouraging employees to take annual paid leave ・Trial implementation of employee engagement diagnosis |
Health maintenance | ・Promotion of the health visualization program ・In-company training and dissemination and awareness promotion activities for healthcare ・Holding of healthcare events and dietary education activities |
Concerning initiatives for fully extracting the value of human capital, concrete measures are formulated in each division and department according to the management policy. Division managers check the conditions of activities in each department and report on important items in the Management Committee and the Board of Directors. Concerning priority measures, a system is in place whereby projects that have been approved in each conference body are promoted.
Promotion Structure
NHK Spring has adopted a system whereby important initiatives for securing and developing talent are discussed in the Personnel Policy Committee, which is a subordinate body of the Management Committee, and are then referred and reported to the Management Committee and/or the Board of Directors for approval.
Concerning D&I promotion measures, initiative is taken by the D&I Promotion Project, which is approved by the Management Committee and placed under the direct management of the President & CEO. Project measures are executed by each responsible department after receiving approval from the managers of related departments, the President of the Corporate Planning and Control Division, and the President & CEO, and the state of progress and issues are discussed in the regular project meetings.
Concerning work style reform, measures are primarily implemented in the "Smart Work Project", which is approved by the Management Committee. The Project, which is headed by the Director of the Human Resources Department, plans and formulates policies and execution measures, and matters are referred to secretariat meetings with participation by labor and management representatives.
Concerning healthcare promotion initiatives, we have established the Central Health Promotion Council, under the Central Safety and Health Council, to formulate company-wide health policies and measures and confirm the implementation status. In addition, each business site has appointed health promotion committee members and health promotion staff to promote various health measures.
The various measures are implemented by each responsible department or project, and progress is managed based on the above governance in principle. Moreover, concerning implementation of new measures and important items, we have established a system whereby the various conference bodies such as the Personnel Policy Committee and Management Committee share and discuss priority issues, review measures and make improvements to project operations.

Risk Management
In order to achieve greater effectiveness in formulating policies and strategies for maximizing the value of human capital, deciding indicators and goals, managing progress and so on, the Board of Directors will examine system building with a view to strengthening the risk management structure so that supervision and monitoring can be implemented more appropriately.
Indicators and Goals
Concerning the indicators that require monitoring and vision (goals) we should aim for, we will review our conventional approach to totaling indicators and the items subject to totaling and examine ways to achieve greater disclosure from now on.
Classification | Indicator | Performance | FY2030 goal |
Promotion of women's participation and career advancement | Ratio of female managers | 2.3% | 5% |
Ratio of female new graduates hired for career track positions | 11.3% | 20% | |
Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave | 30.1% | 60% | |
Employee Engagement | Employee engagement diagnostic results | 69.7pt | 75.0pt |
*Performance and goals pertain to conditions in NHK Spring only.
*The ratio of female managers and ratio of female new graduates hired for career track positions are actual figures as of April 1, 2023. The ratio of male employees taking childcare leave and employee engagement diagnostic results are actual figures for FY2022.
*The employee engagement diagnosis conducted by NHK Spring is a survey focused on employee experience and has a maximum score of 100. Only specific employees are targeted by the survey.