Supply Chain Management
We have established a basic policy for procurement of purchased goods and promote green procurement based on our own guidelines.
Basic Procurement Policies
We have established three basic policies for procurement: "Building long-term partnerships based on mutual trust", "Fair and open procurement", and "Compliance and confidentiality". With the promotion of DX (Digital Transformation) during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are also advancing online interviews and web-based procurement with our suppliers, but our three basic policies remain unchanged.
Basic Policies for Purchasing Supplies
POLICY Building long-term partnerships based on mutual trust
We aim to build long-term relationships of trust as the best partner and grow together, through mutual efforts and fair transactions.
POLICY Fair, equitable and open procurement
We are open to all suppliers, regardless of country of origin, size, or affiliation, and select suppliers based on comprehensive consideration of quality, price, delivery, service, technology, and development capabilities.
POLICY Compliance and confidentiality
All our procurement activities are premised on compliance (adherence to laws and regulations, work rules, corporate ethics, and social norms). We do not make any unauthorized disclosures to third parties of any confidential information we may acquire through our business partners.
NHK Spring Group CSR Procurement Guidelines
Recent social trends, such as corporate scandals, the emergence of employment and labor problems associated with economic crisis, and global environmental issues, have led to expectations for stronger corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. In this context, we would like our suppliers to understand our CSR activities and, based on mutual trust, we want to strive to fulfill our CSR not only in our company but also in the entire supply chain. As part of these activities, we established the "NHK Spring Group CSR Procurement Guidelines" in 2014. Japanese, English, Chinese, and Thai versions of the CSR Procurement Guidelines are posted on our website. We also conduct a questionnaire covering the contents of our CSR Procurement Guidelines once a year to more than 1,000 suppliers. The survey items cover a wide range of topics including compliance, risk management (BCP), human rights, labor, and the environment.
Green procurement
Having established the "Green Procurement Guidelines" based on our Basic Policies for Purchasing Supplies, we strive to procure products with low environmental impact from environmentally conscious companies. In collaboration with our business partners, we promote the management of environmentally hazardous substances throughout all stages of product design, production, and disposal, and strive to mitigate environmental impacts, including wastes. In line with the growing importance of supply chain communication of chemical substances and compliance with overseas laws and regulations, we partially revised the contents in December 2024.
Addressing Responsible Mineral Procurement
In recent years, there has been concern that minerals illegally mined in areas surrounding Congo in Africa are funding anti-government militias responsible for causing human rights abuses. The Financial Regulatory Reform Act passed in the U.S. in 2010 defines tantalum, tin, gold, and tungsten as conflict minerals and requires companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges to disclose information on the use of conflict minerals in their products. In addition, the target minerals and areas have been expanded since around 2020 in anticipation of corporate ESG initiatives. In the procurement of raw materials and parts derived from such minerals, from the perspective of "addressing human rights issues in the supply chain," we will work with customers and suppliers to promote initiatives to eliminate the use of illegally mined minerals.
Initiatives to Realize Proper Transactions
As a member of the Japan Auto Parts Industries Association (JAPIA), NHK Spring works to ensure proper transactions in accordance with JAPIA's "Autonomous Action Plan for Promotion of Proper Transactions and Improvement of productivity and Added Value".
In consideration of recent soaring labor costs, raw materials costs, energy costs and so on, and comments and requests from the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and the Japan Fair Trade Commission, we offer opportunities to discuss prices and strive to respond in good faith if business partners request discussions.

Moreover, the President & CEO utilizes various opportunities via videos, letters, etc. to convey to the entire NHK Group the importance of conducting sincere discussions with business partners and trading at fair prices. Also, through holding explanation meetings and so on to further enhance effectiveness, we aim to promote awareness and penetration of these principles to managers and persons in charge engaged in purchasing and procurement operations.
Concerning business partners that are subject to the Subcontract Act, we advance the following kind of initiatives in compliance with the law upon announcing a "Partnership Building Declaration".
Development of the Group’s Internal Structure and Mechanism
In addition to distributing checklists to purchasing-related departments including Group companies and encouraging them to regularly conduct self-inspections, we conduct audits of the Subcontract Act, etc. during regular audits conducted by the Internal Auditing Department. As with other audits, we follow up on the findings until they are completely addressed.
Change in the Method of Payment to Business Partners subject to the Subcontract Act
In accordance with the request concerning "Means of payment of subcontracting payments" made by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, since the end of November 2022, we have switched from conventional 60-day bills or electronically recorded monetary claims to cash payments (bank transfer) in an effort to assist the business activities of business partners that are subject to the Subcontract Act.
The NHK Spring Group is committed to making even greater efforts across the Group to ensure that proper transactions are realized over the entire supply chain.
BCM Initiatives
We believe that one of our social missions is to quickly restore operations and provide a stable supply of products in the event of disasters. However, to achieve this, not only our company but also our business partners need to work together for early restoration. We have introduced safety confirmation service to all of our employees to rapidly assess the impact on our supply chain and help us achieve quick recovery and secure stable supply in the event of large-scale natural disasters.
Partner Reporting Desk
Purpose of the Partner Reporting Desk
NHK Spring conducts business with suppliers based on three basic policies for procurement: "Building long-term partnerships based on mutual trust," "Fair and open procurement," and "Compliance and confidentiality". In the event of any violation or suspected violation of these basic policies by NHK Spring-related parties, or any violation of laws and regulations such as the Subcontract Act, or any other compliance violation, we will receive reports from our business partners, and will strive for early detection, prevention, corrective action, and recurrence prevention of the problem, thereby fulfilling our social responsibility as a corporation and widely contributing to society. We are committed to building relationships of trust with our business partners.
Outline of the Partner Reporting Desk
- Report contents
Any act or suspected act in violation of the Subcontract Act or other laws and regulations, and any fraudulent act or suspected fraudulent act, etc.
Transactions that violate our Basic Procurement Policies, such as those that impart disadvantageous treatment, etc.
- Users
NHK Spring Group business partners
- Respondent
Compliance Promotion Secretariat (Legal Dept.)
* The Compliance Promotion Secretariat, which is a separate organization from the Procurement Department, responds to reports. The information is not disclosed or leaked to any person outside of the Secretariat other than for the purposes of the program. The Compliance Promotion Secretariat is headed by the Director of the CSR Department and is composed of the other members of the CSR Department who are obliged to maintain confidentiality.
* Only the Compliance Promotion Secretariat has access to the contents of reports.
- Contents of responses to reports
The Compliance Promotion Secretariat will verify and investigate the contents of the report, and if any of the facts are confirmed, it will take corrective measures to prevent recurrence. Moreover, the Compliance Promotion Secretariat will provide feedback to the informant regarding the facts of the report and subsequent actions taken, and it may make inquiries to confirm the facts of the report.
- Caution
We strictly refuse to accept reports of matters unrelated to the purpose of this reporting system (e.g., slander or defamation of individuals), falsehoods, and fraudulent objectives.
- Other matters
Please fill out the necessary information in the report form. No informant or business partner will be treated in a disadvantageous manner due to reporting.
We will not use the personal information of the informant except for inquiries regarding the content of the report and feedback regarding our response, unless we obtain the informant's consent.