
NHK Spring was established in 1939 as a manufacturer of springs for automobiles.
Today, the company continues to grow while maintaining stable management by supplying not only springs but also various key parts around the world.

NHK Spring's roots General trading company Suzuki & Co., Ltd. building

NHK Spring's roots
General trading company Suzuki & Co., Ltd.

NHK Spring has its roots in Suzuki & Co., Ltd., a general trading company.
Founded in 1874, Suzuki & Co., Ltd. led the industrial revolution in Japan during the Meiji and Taisho periods, not only in commerce but also in light industry to heavy industry.
Eikichi Kaede, Kiyoshi Inoue, and Hisashi Sakamoto, who sat together in the steel department of Suzuki & Co., Ltd., focused their attention on springs for automobiles in anticipation of the future age of cars. They later added Kiyotoshi Fujioka and Saku Yamaguchi to their ranks and founded NHK Spring Co., Ltd. on September 8, 1939.


NHK Spring has to date developed numerous products while expanding its sales. With the 2026 Medium-Term Management Plan, we are committed to making further progress.

Transition graph from NHK Spring’s founding in 1939 to the medium-term management plan in 2023

Transitions and Evolution of Technologies and Products

Transitions: Manufacturing Derived from Springs

NHK Spring is a parts manufacturer that started out by making automotive springs. Currently, we utilize technologies cultivated in spring manufacturing to make products that are used in a wide range of fields, such as information and communications, industry, and lifestyle.

From the 1960s to the 2000s, the weight of springs was reduced by 50% and the strength was 1.5 times stronger.
Lighter springs lead to lighter vehicles, thereby making it possible to improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO₂ emissions.

Evolution: Example of coil springs

Coil springs are used in automobile suspensions.
As a result of devising manufacturing methods to make lighter springs and developing materials in cooperation with material manufacturers to make stronger springs, we have succeeded in developing "lighter and stronger springs".